March 22

The magic Tree

Swoosh , its a windy day all my leaves are blowing and the birds are tweeting. No! Someone is trying to cut me down but what they don’t know is that I am a historical and magical tree ,and I have been for one thousand years. If they cut me down it won’t work because I am indestructible. He will automatically bounce off of me and will only come back to visit the amazing creationton. The only people that pass are people that I trust or are on my side of magic , they will be lucky if they get to come in my smooth wooden door and inside is a luxury hotel.

Posted March 22, 2018 by taylorcbgs in category Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “The magic Tree

  1. zoecbgs

    I liked the words ‘ luxury’ I’ve never used it before. Wow! I liked that you wrote in the perspective of the ancient tree. Keep up the good work.
    Why did write in the perspective of the tree?
    From Zoë


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