May 30

The castle spirt

I was stomping  through the white thick snow out side my castle, when i saw a girl standing at the old wooden door. No one has come here in forever what could she want. She can’t find out. Or I will never be alone again. I tried to sneak past so she would walk away. I looked out from the side of the castle .She was not going to go. So I went through the back and it was obvious she heared me. The girl pushed the doors down, a big gush of wind carried through the room as the girl walked in like she owned the place.

The spoiled looking  girl skipped through the castle then l leaped into my room and looked impressed. “What’s in that room. ” Before I could  answer she bolted into the room. When I finally got in the room myself I saw her standing there with her jaw on the ground, you have a castle in your closet. So you live in a castle inside a castle. “ That’s incredible”
You can’t tell anyone. This will be our secret. “Of course, but under one condition, you have to let me come here when ever I want. “Well Fine” I sighed.
After a while I realised I may  I have just made a huge mistake, because she is setting out snacks that she could definitely not eat on her own. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door, what could that be. When I was Skidding across the floor wondering what is going on. “No need to hurry its just my friends”Said the young girl casually. FRIENDS!!! I thought we had an agreement. I was lonely I need a couple hundred friends over . HUNDRED DID YOU JUST SAY HUNDREDS. Doesn’t matter just let my friends. They all just barged in just like she did.
Out of nowhere a kind of spirt made a swirl in the middle of the room as her friends reached the middle of the room. That means this castle is, actually magic, if you disobeyed it’s secret of the castle it will never let you back inside. “Help” cried the frightened girl. “ No you disobeyed me and my castle.” I yelled in a stern voice. As I watched the girl fly on top of her friends, I realised the spirt heading of but it left a note. It said “ Be back soon, from the castle spirt.